Book #9 Runaway Horses by Yukio Mishima

How novel: a novel within a novel! The concept reminded me of Blind Assassin. Margaret Atwood could TOTALLY be the new Yukio Mishima. I mean if you just overlook the fact that he wasn’t a lesbian, that his story is political instead of shady sci-fi, and that there’s no hot girls on the cover of his books. Otherwise the two are COMPLETELY twins.

The novel within the novel of Runaway Horses is actually more of a very long pamphlet. A very long boring pamphlet that inspires the young man in the book (who is the reincarnated form of the main character of the first volume of the series) to gather a group of his compatriots together with the goal of killing the most evil men of their society and government off. The plan is thwarted when the leader’s father rats him out. Those Japanese patriarchs – always harshing everyone else’s mellow.

Honda, the best friend of the first book’s main character, quits his job as a judge and becomes a lawyer in order to defend the youth. Becoming a lawyer for someone – now that’s devotion! He ends up getting the youth off only for him to murder someone and then commit suicide. Oh the drama!

Stay tuned for next book when the youth is reincarnated into a princess!

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