Book #35 Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke

Elsewhere, I related how this blog, and the project behind it had caused me to realize that there are definite patterns to my reading. Right now, I’ve just started my “Books I Have Been Meaning To Read But Have Put Off Due To Fear Of Violent Hand Cramps” phase. These are the books towering by my bed on my nightstand which threaten to crush me in the night if ever knocked over. The foundation of this pile was “Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell” (red cover edition) which I bought on my father’s account at the bookshop on christmas eve, wrapped, and then opened it on Christmas Day after gleefully saying, “Thanks Dad! It’s exactly what I wanted!” to my slightly bewildered father.

It was good… ish. If I had to read it all over again for the first time, I would. I just wouldn’t do it any time soon. I thought the editor was too light-handed but it wasn’t to a detrimental amount like Neil Gaiman’s ‘American Gods’, which I couldn’t even finish. And as far as causing my hands to cramp, that devil caused my hand to go numb and FALL ASLEEP while holding it. I guess it’s better my hand than me.

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