This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

thislullaby.jpg Bitter chick lit for the hardcore potty-mouth young adult slut contingent.

Naturally, I couldn’t put it down.

2 Responses to “This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen”

  1. RC Cola! Says:

    So I read this, and well…I just don’t think I can read chick lit anymore. It just…I don’t know. But I finally started reading some Daniel Handler, and well it’s about stinkin’ time. I have just started reading the Basic Eight -had to wait for it to get ordered first, but I read Adverbs while I was waiting, and well, the man is just a wonderful writer. And when I discovered that he contributed to 69 Love Songs, which is only the best collection of love songs ever, along with The 6ths…and well, then there’s the whole Lemony Snicket thing…I’ve never really wanted to be a man before, but if I could be, I’d probably pick him.

  2. Miss Laura Says:

    I love that there is a picture of Daniel Handler in a bunny suit in the interview with the cover art and whatnot of 69 Love Songs. Awesome!

    Also, The Basic Eight has recently been reissued (as the paperback HAD gone out of print). I recommend it but his other Watch Your Mouth isn’t a favorite of mine — at all.

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