Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage


I am so glad my last name isn’t Heap. However, I think I am going to start spelling my name Lauryk.

I have no idea why I didn’t post this back when I read it. Now, I can’t think of what to say – except that it’s a good un.

4 Responses to “Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage”

  1. gavsstudio Says:

    Tell me more! Tell me more!

  2. April Says:

    “Like does he have a car?”

    Sorry… Couldn’t resist after gav’s comment.

  3. Jury Lauryk Says:

    It`s really funny, but my last name is Lauryk indeed!

  4. Allie Tornado Says:

    i just love this series. im only in fifth grade and i supose everyone whose posted a reply is a grown-up! im a great reader and i hope Angie makes more and more books! GO ANGIE! and my last name is really Tornado!

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