Perdido Street Station by China Mieville

perdidostreetstation.jpgFebruary is my month for Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. Of course, I started this book MONTHS ago and just finished slogging my way through it. It wasn’t that it was bad – because I kind of enjoyed it. It made me appreciate his childrens book (UnLunDun) more since at least that story didn’t involve any brain eating moth monsters. However, it was just a very slow read for me. All that chaos theory and weird species and it was too much. I’ve already bought his other two so I’m going to try them as well – especially since I’ve heard the next one (Scar) is the best. But, to be honest, I’m not really excited about it. And books that don’t excite me – make me sad.

One Response to “Perdido Street Station by China Mieville”

  1. pizzocalabro Says:

    Now I feel guilty for talking him up so much.

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